Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Toads Make Me Happy

     For as long as I can remember, I have loved toads. Not what most people would consider a beautiful creature but to me quite enchanting. I wish I had a copy of an early photo of me to post here as a very fitting illustration of this lifelong affection. In the photo, I am about three or four years old, standing in a little wading pool and wearing a light blue bathing suit and a big grin. In both hands I am clutching a huge toad so that it is facing me with its long legs dangling down. One of my cherished memories of childhood is the many times I collected toads and deposited them gently in my doll's baby carriage and gave them a stroll around our yard. Now, only one toad would not do; I was not satisfied until I had located three of them. At that point, I would call them "The Kingston Trio" and spend quality time with them before giving them a kiss good-bye and releasing them back into the wild around our house. None of them ever turned into a handsome prince, by the way. Word of my obsession spread around the family and I can remember receiving little toad and frog related gifts during that time. I still have a few of those items even now.
     I have been thinking about toads quite frequently lately as we seem to have a healthy population in our yard this summer. For the past two years, I have been encouraging the growth of a flower garden at the front of my house. It is coming along well and attracting many bees, butterflies, and, yes, toads. My daughter and my son are learning the fine art of holding toads carefully but firmly enough to prevent their immediate escape. Of course, there is the occasional peeing incident but they've learned to roll with it and wash their hands afterward. It has given me a lot of happiness to see their enjoyment of toads and excitement about getting to observe them up close. Hopefully, it will be something they will pass on to their own children someday.
     So, that is the story of my lifelong love affair with toads. I think an appropriate quote to honor that affection is one by John Constable. "I never saw an ugly thing in my life: for let the form of an object be what it may- light, shade, and perspective will always make it beautiful." From my perspective, these creatures are one of the most beautiful on earth and I am so glad they are here to share it with us.

Friday, June 24, 2011


     I've decided to begin this blog with two quotes from Henry David Thoreau, one of the inspirations for my proposed ponderings here.
"To be admitted to Nature's hearth costs nothing. None is excluded, but excludes himself. You have only to push aside the curtain."
"You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment."
These two quotes hit me hard today as I was thinking about the past few years. I have always loved being out in nature, indeed, I would rather be there than anywhere else I can imagine. I have always loved writing and was a pretty prolific writer in my earlier life but the obligations of college, working, and family have kept me from it for many years now. Recently, several friends have started blogs and inspired me to try it as well. In the least, it may provide me with a much needed creative outlet in brief bursts of blogging.
     So now, I launch myself on this present wave and push aside the curtain to seek Nature's hearth and find solace and peace there in God's creation. Stay tuned for my next post in which I plan to tell a tale of the beauty of toads and their influence in my life.